{ "hola" : "hi, world", "adios" : "bye-bye, world", "Introduce_codigo_de_equipo" : "Enter team code", "Master_Backdoor" : "Master Backdoor", "Detener_sistema" : "Stop system", "Bloquear_accesos" : "Lock out", "Sistema_detenido" : "System halted", "Accesos_bloqueados" : "Login locked out", "El_acceso_al_sistema_quedara_restringido" : "Login will be restricted", "El_sistema_dejara_de_funcionar_y_no_estara_accesible" : "The system will stop working and will not be accessible", "Ejecutar_comando" : "Run command", "Arrancar_sistema" : "Boot system", "Desbloquear_accesos" : "Unlock access", "Contacte_con_el_administrador" : "Contact administrator", "Acciones_en_activo" : "Active actions", "Panel_de_Control" : "Control panel", "No_existe_ningun_usuario_con_los_datos_introducidos" : "This user does not exist", "Correcto" : "Correct", "Incorrecto" : "Incorrect", "Usuario" : "User", "Contrasena" : "Password", "Introduzca_Login_y_Password_para_acceder" : "Enter user and password to sign in", "Intento_acceso_incorrecto" : "Incorrect authentication data", "Intentelo_nuevo" : "Try again", "Lo_sentimos_pero_usted_no_tiene_acceso_a_este_apartado_del_web" : "Sorry, you are not allowed to access this webpage", "Debe_introducir_login_de_usuario" : "Enter user", "Debe_introducir_una_contrasena" : "Enter password", "contrasena_debe_tener_al_menos_4_caracteres" : "Password must be at least 4 characters long", "Idioma" : "Language", "Acceder" : "Sign in", "Bloquear_pantalla" : "Lock screen", "Mis_tareas" : "My tasks", "Mis_mensajes" : "My messages", "Mi_calendario" : "My calendar", "Mi_perfil" : "My profile", "Selecciona_idioma" : "Select language", "idioma_txt_es" : "Spanish", "idioma_txt_en" : "English", "idioma_txt_abrv_es" : "ES", "idioma_txt_abrv_en" : "EN", "idioma_txt_flag_es" : "ES", "idioma_txt_flag_en" : "UK", "Mis_datos" : "My data", "Necesitas_ayuda" : "Do you need help?", "Salir" : "Sign out", "O_acceder_con" : "Or log in as", "Olvidaste_tu_contrasena" : "Did you forget your password?", "Tranquilo_click" : "Don't worry, click", "aqui" : "here", "para_reiniciar_tu_contrasena" : "to reset your password", "Todavia_no_tienes_cuenta" : "No account yet?", "Registrate" : "Sign up", "Introduce_tu_direccion_de_email_para_reiniciar_tu_contrasena" : "Enter your email to reset your password", "Eres_una_empresa" : "Are you a company?", "Unete" : "Join", "Introduce_tu_informacion_personal" : "Enter your personal information", "Nombre_y_apellidos" : "First and last name", "Repetir_contrasena" : "Confirm password", "Introduce_tu_informacion_de_registro" : "Enter your register information", "Estoy_de_acuerdo_con_los" : "I agree with these", "Terminos_del_servicio" : "Terms of Service", "y_la" : "and", "Politica_de_privacidad" : "Privacy policy", "No_deseo_recibir_newsletter_cliente" : "I don't want to suscribe to Ingoa's newsletter", "Listado_de_usuarios" : "List of users", "Listado_de_roles" : "List of roles", "Listado_de_accesos" : "Access list", "Conectado_como" : "Logged in as", "Ayuda" : "Help", "Desconectar" : "Log out", "Inicio" : "Start", "Final" : "Finish", "Usuarios" : "Users", "Roles" : "Roles", "rol" : "Role", "rol_de_usuario" : "user role", "Rol_de_usuario" : "User role", "Roles_de_usuario" : "User roles", "Datos_de_usuario" : "User data", "Administracion" : "Administration", "Accesos_directos" : "Shortcuts", "Accesos_al_panel_de_control" : "Control panel access", "Accesos" : "Access", "Ficheros" : "Files", "Mantenimientos" : "Maintenance", "Auxiliares" : "Auxiliary", "Idiomas" : "Languages", "bloquear_barra_navegacion" : "Lock navigation bar", "ajustar_pantalla : ""Adjust screen", "ocultar_barra_navegacion" : "Hide navigation bar", "Acepto_las_condiciones" : "I accept the Terms and Conditions", "Aceptar" : "Accept", "Cancelar" : "Cancel", "Guardar" : "Save", "Borrar" : "Delete", "Volver" : "Go back", "Nuevo" : "New", "Texto" : "Text", "Ficha" : "File", "Editar" : "Edit", "Imagen" : "Image", "Detalle" : "Detail", "texto_debe_tener_al_menos_4_caracteres" : "'Text' field must be at least 4 characters long", "Filtros" : "Filters", "Nombre" : "First name", "Apellidos" : "Last name", "Poblacion" : "Location", "Filtro_de_registros" : "Sign up Filters", "Puedes_aplicar_filtros_para_reducir_los_resultados_de_busqueda" : "You can apply filters to narrow down your search results", "Filtrar_resultados" : "Filter results", "Limpiar_filtro" : "Remove filter", "Codigo" : "Code", "Telefono" : "Phone", "Ver_Detalle" : "View detail", "Total_Registros" : "Total number of logs", "mostrando_del" : "showing from", "al" : "to", "Ver_Estado" : "View status", "Estado" : "Status", "Introduzca_un_nombre_de_usuario" : "Enter a username", "Introduzca_un_login_de_usuario" : "Enter a user login", "Al_menos_8_caracteres" : "At least 8 characters", "Al_menos_X_caracteres" : "At least %1 characters", "Introduzca_al_menos_8_caracteres" : "Enter at least 8 characters", "Introduzca_al_menos_X_caracteres" : "Enter at least %1 characters", "Introduzca_como_maximo_X_caracteres" : "Enter a maximum of %1 characters", "Atencion_Introduzca_el_campo" : "Attention: Enter the field", "solo_en_caso_de_querer_modificarlo" : "just in case you want to modify it", "recomendado_letras_y_numeros" : "letters and numbers recommended", "Introduzca_un_password" : "Enter a password", "Password" : "Password", "Confirmar_password" : "Confirm password", "Los_passwords_deben_coincidir" : "Passwords should match", "nif_debe_tener_al_menos_4_caracteres" : "NIF/ID must be at least 4 characters long", "Observaciones" : "Remarks", "Numero_de_usuario" : "User number", "Email" : "Email", "Login" : "Login", "Rol" : "Role", "caracteres" : "characters", "minimo" : "minimum", "maximo" : "maximum", "Si" : "Yes", "No" : "No", "Accede" : "Access", "No_accede" : "NO access", "Activo" : "Active", "No_activo" : "Non active", "Bloqueado" : "Locked out", "Boletin" : "Newsletter", "Fecha_de_baja" : "Cancellation date", "Direccion_IP" : "IP address", "Direccion" : "Address", "CP" : "ZIP Code.", "Localidad" : "Town", "Provincia" : "Province / State", "Pais" : "Country", "Movil" : "Mobile", "Fax" : "Fax", "Fecha_de_nacimiento" : "Date of birth", "CIF" : "VAT number", "NIF" : "ID / Passport Number", "NIF_CIF" : "ID / VAT number", "Introduzca_la_informacion_requerida" : "Enter the requested information", "Fecha_de_alta" : "Registration date", "Ultimo_acceso" : "Last logon", "Ultima_modificacion" : "Last modification", "Ultima_actualizacion" : "Last update", "Introduzca_una_direccion_de_email" : "Enter an email address", "Introduzca_una_direccion_de_email_valida" : "Enter a valid email address", "Introduzca_el_nombre" : "Enter first name", "Introduzca_los_apellidos" : "Enter last name", "Introduzca_una_fecha_de_nacimiento" : "Enter date of birth", "Introduzca_solo_numeros" : "Enter numbers only", "Introduzca_una_fecha_de_alta" : "Enter a subscription date", "Introduzca_una_fecha_de_ultimo_acceso" : "Enter date of last access", "Introduzca_una_fecha_de_ultima_actualizacion_de_datos" : "Enter date of information last update", "No_ha_seleccionado_registro_para_editar" : "No record selected to be edited", "Pulse" : "Press", "para_continuar" : "to proceed", "Registro_creado_con_exito" : "Successful login", "Registro_actualizado_con_exito" : "Login updated successfully", "El_Email_seleccionado_ya_se_encuentra_presente_en_la_BD" : "This email already exists in our database and cannot be used twice", "El_campo_Email_no_es_correcto" : "The field 'email' is not correct", "El_campo_Nombre_no_puede_dejarse_en_blanco" : "Field 'name' cannot be blank", "El_campo_X_no_puede_dejarse_en_blanco" : "Field %1 cannot be blank", "El_campo_X_ya_esta_registrado_en_la_BD" : "Field %1 is already in our database", "No_se_ha_encontrado_el_registro_solicitado" : "The requested login cannot be found", "No_se_ha_encontrado_el_usuario_solicitado" : "The requested user cannot be found", "Confirmar_borrado_de_registros" : "Confirm logins deletion", "Seguro_que_desea_borrar_los_elementos_seleccionados" : "Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?", "Desea_borrar_los_elementos_seleccionados" : "Do you want to delete the selected items?", "Se_ha_borrado" : "Deleted", "Se_han_borrado" : "Deleted", "Borrando" : "Deleting", "usuario" : "user", "usuarios" : "users", "Se_ha_desactivado" : "It has been disabled", "Se_han_desactivado" : "They have been disabled", "Desactivando" : "Switching off", "El_codigo_no_se_puede_cambiar" : "Code cannot be changed", "Seleccione_un_elemento_de_la_lista" : "Choose an item from the list", "Seleccione_un_elemento" : "Choose an item", "Adjuntar_archivo" : "Attach file", "Adjuntar_archivos" : "Attach files", "Seleccione_archivo" : "Choose file", "Cambiar" : "Change", "Descripcion" : "Description", "Razon_social" : "Legal name", "Nombre_comercial" : "Trademark", "Tipo_empresa" : "Type of company", "Contacto" : "Contact", "Persona_de_contacto" : "Contact person", "Ver_Ficheros" : "View files", "Tipo" : "Type", "fichero" : "file", "ficheros" : "files", "Datos_de_fichero" : "File information", "Numero_de_fichero" : "File number", "Ruta" : "Path", "Tamano" : "Size", "Formato" : "Format", "Tamano_fichero_excesivo" : "The image exceeds the maximum allowed size in bytes", "Seleccione_un_archivo_para_adjuntar" : "Choose a file to be attached", "Listado_de_ficheros" : "List of files", "dias" : "days", "Mensajes" : "Messages", "Filtro_aplicado" : "Applied filter", "Orden_ascendente" : "Ascending order", "Orden_descendente" : "Descending order", "Fecha_Desde" : "Date from", "Fecha_Hasta" : "Date up to", "Factura_Desde" : "Invoice from", "Factura_Hasta" : "Invoice up to", "Importe_Desde" : "Amount from", "Importe_Hasta" : "Amount up to", "Texto_a_buscar" : "Text to search", "Desde" : "From", "Hasta" : "To", "Total_Desde" : "Total from", "Total_Hasta" : "Total up to", "No_se_han_encontrado_resultados_que_cumplan_las_condiciones_establecidas" : "No results found for your search criteria", "RESULTADO_DE_LA_BUSQUEDA" : "SEARCH RESULTS", "Reset" : "Clear all fields", "Seleccionar" : "Choose", "Alta_de" : "Subscription", "Edicion_de" : "Edition", "Borrado_de" : "Deletion", "Por_favor_espere" : "Please, wait", "CORRECTO" : "CORRECT", "ERROR" : "ERROR", "Lo_sentimos" : "Sorry", "AVISO" : "NOTICE", "ATENCION" : "ATTENTION", "INFORMACION" : "INFORMATION", "Prohibido_la_pagina_que_buscas_no_es_accesible" : "Forbidden, this webpage is not available", "Lo_sentimos_la_pagina_que_buscas_no_existe" : "Sorry, this webpage does not exist", "Lo_sentimos_error_interno_del_servidor" : "Sorry, Internal Server Error is generated by the website you're visiting", "Empleados" : "Employees", "Clientes" : "Customers", "Cliente" : "Customer", "Trabajos" : "Jobs", "Servicios" : "Services", "Tipos" : "Types", "Categorias" : "Categories", "Textos_front" : "Front-end texts", "Imagenes_front" : "Front-end images", "Listado_de_tipos" : "List of types", "tipos" : "types", "tipo" : "type", "Orden" : "Order", "Listado_de_categorias" : "List of categories", "categoria" : "category", "categorias" : "categories", "Padre" : "Father", "Listado_de_clientes" : "List of customers", "cliente" : "customer", "clientes" : "customers", "Foto" : "Photo", "URL" : "URL", "Introduzca_una_url_valida_comenzando_con" : "Enter a valid URL, beginning with", "Facebook" : "Facebook", "Twitter" : "Twitter", "LinkedIn" : "LinkedIn", "Categoria" : "Category", "Entradilla" : "Opening", "Fecha" : "Date", "Destacado" : "Outstanding", "PieFoto" : "Footnote", "Video" : "Video", "Informacion" : "Information", "Listado_de_servicios" : "List of services", "servicio" : "service", "servicios" : "services", "Listado_de_textos_de_idioma" : "List of language texts", "texto_de_idioma" : "Language text", "Listado_de_imagenes_de_idioma" : "List of language images", "imagen_de_idioma" : "Language image", "Seccion" : "Section", "Tag" : "Tag", "Pie" : "Foot", "Seguro_que_desea_copiar_los_elementos_seleccionados" : "Are you sure you want to copy the selected items", "Se_ha_copiado" : "Copied", "Se_han_copiado" : "Copied", "Copiando" : "Copying", "Copiar" : "Copy", "Copiar_a" : "Copy to:", "Listado_de_parametros" : "List of parameters", "Parametros" : "Parameters", "Importe_periodo" : "Period amount", "Importe" : "Amount", "Tarifa" : "Fee", "tarifa" : "fee", "estado" : "status", "Empresa" : "Company", "Empresas" : "Companies", "empresa" : "company", "empresas" : "companies", "Clientes" : "Clientes", "Menus" : "Menus", "Estados" : "Status", "Listado_de" : "List", "Borrar_los_seleccionados" : "Delete selected", "El_campo_X_es_incorrecto" : "Field %1 is incorrect", "Selecciona_algun_registro_para_borrar" : "Select any record to be deleted", "Asignar_empleados_a_empresa" : "Assign employees to a company", "Se_ha_producido_un_error_intentando" : "An error occurred attempting", "Empleados_asociados_correctamente" : "Employees correctly assigned", "CALCULANDO_POR_FAVOR_ESPERE_" : "CALCULATING, PLEASE WAIT...", "por_tener_registros_asociados" : "due to the existence of associated records", "ERP_Codigo" : "ERP code", "Editar_externo" : "External edit", "Vista_de_impresion" : "Print view", "validacion" : "Validation", "Pendiente" : "Outstanding", "Powered_by" : "Powered by", "ETIQMEDIA" : "ETIQMEDIA", "Aviso_legal" : "Legal notice", "Terminos_y_condiciones" : "Terms and conditions", "Uso_de_cookies" : "Cookies policy", "Ver_mas" : "View more", "Mas_noticias" : "More news", "Quedan" : "Remaining", "ONG_que_colabora" : "Supporting NGO", "F_A_Q" : "F.A.Q.", "Email_ya_existe" : "this email already exists", "Contrasena_cambiada" : "Password changed", "Email_no_encontrado" : "Email not found", "Usuario_no_encontrado" : "User not found", "Introduce_informacion_de_contacto" : "Introduce contact details", "Introduce_tu_informacion_de_acceso" : "Enter your login data", "Selecciona_imagen" : "Select photo", "Introduce_nombre" : "Enter name", "Introduce_nombre_de_equipo" : "Enter team name", "Invitar_a_equipo" : "Invite to team", "Quitar_de_equipo" : "Remove from team", "Abandonar_el_equipo" : "Remove yourself from team", "Este_campo_es_obligatorio" : "This field is required", "Copia_y_envia_a_tus_amigos_este_mensaje" : "Copy this message and send it to your friends", "Este_es_el_codigo_de_equipo_de" : "This is the team code for", "Invitar_al_Equipo" : "Invite to team", "Abandonar_Equipo" : "Remove yourself from team", "Eliminar_Equipo" : "Remove a team", "Unirme_a_Equipo" : "Join a team", "entra en" : "Go to", "Mis Equipos" : "My teams", "e introducelo en el apartado" : "and introduce it in the section", "Seguro que desea eliminar" : "Are you sure you want to delete?", "SI, eliminar" : "YES, delete", "NO, cancelar" : "NO, cancel", "Deseo recibir novedades sobre ingoa" : "I want to subscribe to INGOA's newsletter", "Datos" : "Data", "Dorsal" : "Bib", "Equipos" : "Teams", "Trayectoria" : "Track record", "Fotos" : "Photos", "Estadisticas" : "Statistics", "Crear" : "Create", "equipo" : "team", "Causas" : "Causes", "Causa" : "Cause", "Ejercicio" : "Year", "Proyecto" : "Project", "Reto" : "Challenge", "Kms" : "Miles", "recorridos" : "run", "Dorsales" : "Bibs", "creados" : "generated", "Perfil" : "Profile", "clientes" : "clientes", "Repercusion" : "Impact", "Redes" : "media", "sociales" : "Social", "Newsletters" : "Newsletters", "y" : "and", "Highlights" : "Highlights", "miembros" : "members", "Siguenos" : "Follow us", "REGISTRATE" : "SIGN UP", "CONTACTO" : "CONTACT", "Noticias" : "News", "Ranking" : "Ranking", "Carreras" : "Races", "Individual" : "Individual", "Proximas" : "Next", "Destacadas" : "Outstanding" }