Jade Templating Mode

 doctype html html head title= "Jade Templating CodeMirror Mode Example" link(rel='stylesheet', href='/css/bootstrap.min.css') link(rel='stylesheet', href='/css/index.css') script(type='text/javascript', src='/js/jquery-1.9.1.min.js') script(type='text/javascript',
            src='/js/bootstrap.min.js') body div.header h1 Welcome to this Example div.spots if locals.spots each spot in spots div.spot.well div if spot.logo img.img-rounded.logo(src=spot.logo) else img.img-rounded.logo(src="img/placeholder.png") h3
            a(href=spot.hash) ##{spot.hash} if spot.title span.title #{spot.title} if spot.desc div #{spot.desc} else h3 There are no spots currently available. 

The Jade Templating Mode

Created by Forbes Lindesay. Managed as part of a Brackets extension at https://github.com/ForbesLindesay/jade-brackets.

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